hardware course multan

Hardware Career Course

hardware course multan
After qualifying all the exams, the student will be award with grades as per their percentage of marks obtained.

Alhuda hardware course institute multan, purpose of this Course is that participant becomes a Hardware, who can control all equipment such as C.P.U, Scanner and printer, transform and present to the user as output. After completion of course, participant can work professionally at field.

6 Months & 1 Year

Hrdware course is all about manufacturing of computer components such as Chips, Circuit, Mother board, Processor, Modems and other computer equipments. Hardware Course is closly related to Electric equipments but it deals only with computer and accessories. A student who passion for hardware computer then enter in this field. He must be able to work in a team as a team work develop your skill and increase your experience. After this course you can earn money as Hardware techinician in computer field.

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